
Average score 320 Reviews
Lauritz Gröger noted on Google

6 months ago
Yusuf S noted on Google

10/10, very authentic.

6 months ago
Lili F noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The food was really delicious! There was a wide variety of different ingredients, mushrooms and vegetables that I had never seen before and all very fresh. There was an error in the billing, but after feedback this was sorted out and customer service was very friendly and accommodating. (Original) Das Essen war wirklich sehr lecker! Es gab eine große Auswahl an verschiedenen Zutaten, Pilze und Gemüse, das ich noch nie gesehen hatte und alles sehr frisch. Bei der Abrechnung gab es einen Fehler, aber nach Rückmeldung wurde dies geregelt und der Kundenservice war sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend.

6 months ago
Soni noted on Google

6 months ago
Hdhs Jsjsj noted on Google

(Translated by Google) It was very nice and delicious every time (Original) Es war sehr schön und lecker immer wieder

6 months ago
Sarah Hufnagel noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I probably don't need to say anything more about the concept, as the other comments have described it in detail. We were there 15 minutes before the store opened to finally try out the malatang (the last few times there were probably 10 people there before us, with a waiting time of over an hour, as we were told). It was very worth it! The broths were super tasty (Classic in medium & bone broth) and the selection at the refrigerated counter was absolutely perfect for fish lovers! Surimi, butterfish, shrimp, dumplings etc. Unfortunately there wasn't that much choice for meat lovers. The restaurant seats around 20 and unfortunately has little atmosphere. Very tight & it was cold inside. Unfortunately it didn't suit my taste. But the employees are super nice, hard-working and guest-oriented. Food was also very tasty. It feels like you eat one pot for an hour, it never ends ;) Recommended! (Original) Zum Konzept muss ich vermutlich nichts mehr sagen, da dies die anderen Kommentare ausführlich beschrieben haben. Wir waren 15 Minuten vor Ladenöffnung da um auch endlich mal die Malatang auszuprobieren (die letzten Male waren sicher 10 Personen vor uns da, mit einer Wartezeit von über einer Stunde, wie uns mitgeteilt wurde). Es hat sich sehr gelohnt! Die Brühen waren super lecker (Classic in Mittel & Knochenbrühe) die Auswahl an der Kühltheke war für Fischliebhaber absolut perfekt! Surimi, Butterfisch, Garnelen, Dumblings etc. Für Fleischliebhaber gab es leider nicht ganz so viel Auswahl. Das Restaurant fässt circa 20 Sitzplätze & hat leider wenig Atmosphäre. Sehr eng & es war kalt im Innenraum. Meinen Geschmack hat das leider nicht getroffen. Aber die Mitarbeiter sind super lieb, bemüht & gästeorientiert. Essen war ebenfalls sehr schmackhaft. Gefühlt isst man 1h an einem Topf, es nimmt kein Ende ;) Empfehlenswert!

6 months ago
Anika Duerkes noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Mega experience - something completely different - cute and tight and so so delicious!!! THX (Original) Mega Erlebnis - mal was ganz ganz anderes - schnuckelig eng und so so lecker!!! THX

6 months ago
Caro Newhomer noted on Google

(Translated by Google) You can put together your own bowl. You can choose from meat, seafood, vegetables, tofu and various noodles. Personally, the selection of vegetables could be a little larger. At the checkout you can choose between soup and fried. At the end you can add toppings to the dish. Unfortunately, the waiting times are a bit long because the restaurant is very small. However, if you plan your time well (go shopping while you wait), the waiting time goes by quickly. In general, Mala Town is a very good restaurant, with an excellent food idea! We like to come here more often and recommend the restaurant. (Original) Man kann sich seine Bowl selbst zusammen stellen. Zur Auswahl steht Fleisch, Meeresfrüchte, Gemüse, Tofu und verschiedene Nudeln. Mir persönlich könnte die Auswahl an Gemüse etwas größer sein. An der Kasse kann zwischen Suppe und angebraten gewählt werden. Am Ende kann das Gericht mit Toppings versehen werden. Die Wartezeiten sind leider etwas lang, da das Restaurant sehr klein ist. Wenn man sich die Zeit jedoch gut einplant (während man wartet einkaufen gehen) geht die Wartezeit auch schnell rum. Allgemein ist Mala Town ein sehr gutes Restaurant, mit einer hervorragenden Essensidee! Wir kommen gerne öfter her und empfehlen das Restaurant weiter.

6 months ago
Katharina Falk noted on Google

The store is tiny that’s why I would recommend to go and get take out. Malatang is a also a typical street food that warms you right up even if you eat it outside. If you choose take out you can skip the line quite easily. We were there 16:15. They open 16:30 and with the line we needed to wait until 16:45 to enter. The line behind us was 2hours long. Once you can enter a waiter is waiting for you to explain the whole procedure. Once you are in, you can chose the contents of your soup in a bowl, select the broth type, pay and wait a couple of minutes for the finished food. Then enjoy. The options for me as a vegetarian where more than enough and I was more than full. Just a tip: I chose a little spicy, and it was already hot hot hot and I love spicy. If you choose three chilies, be aware that they mean business. There were also some Chinese people in line, and in china you always go get food where there is a line, it means the food is actually great. Also in the restaurant were actual overall Chinese people(also explanations were in Chinese and interesting German). And here is where the magic lays. It is absolutely similar to my Chinese experience of this food. The atmosphere, the content, the broth and how crammed together such a place is in China. The only thing I am missing: in China at a street food joint you mostly get a number, which is screamed at you in Chinese dialect of the region you are in once your food is done … and with luck you actually get your soup.

6 months ago
Gazal U. noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very very tasty It was my first time here and I didn't know the concept. A little warning for anyone who doesn't know it either. One pack of pasta is enough!!! We took 2 of each because it looked like so little and it ended up being a lot By the way, Mala version spicy is not that spicy, so you can eat it safely, even if you are unsure whether it will be too spicy. (Original) Sehr sehr lecker Ich war zum ersten Mal hier und kannte das Konzept so nicht. Kleine Warnung für alle, die es auch nicht kennen. Es reicht eine Packung an Nudeln!!! Wir haben jeweils 2 genommen, weil es nach so wenig aussah und es war dadurch einfach super viel Mala Version scharf ist übrigens nicht so scharf, also kann man ruhig essen, auch wenn man unsicher ist, ob es nicht zu scharf wird.

6 months ago

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